
Industry Partnership

Terms of Reference Champion Industry Partnership
Primary Roles
Representing the University as a liaison officer for Industry.

Maintaining a strong
University-Industry network.

Coordinating documentation, procedures, and structuring between the University and Industry.

Recommended Activities
Personnel Exchange
Encourage personnel exchanges between universities and industries, where industry professionals can spend time at the university to share their knowledge and experience, while university staff can serve temporarily at companies to gain a deeper understanding of industry needs.
Training and Development Programs

Organize training and development programs tailored to industry needs, such as engineering courses, project management classes, or training in specific skills required in particular industries.


Innovation Competitions

Hold innovation competitions where university students and researchers can present innovative proposals or projects to industries. This can be a platform to promote collaboration and value creation.


Knowledge Sharing Events

Organize seminars, workshops, or lecture series involving industry experts to share knowledge and current trends in the industry. This provides opportunities for university members to learn from industry practitioners and build relationships with them.

Mentor-Mentee Programs

Arrange mentor-mentee programs where university students or researchers can be provided mentorship by industry professionals in relevant fields. This helps accelerate their professional development and expand their industry network.

Joint Product Development

Encourage collaboration in developing new products or improving existing products between universities and industries. This may involve research, prototype testing, and product commercialization.

Consultations and Dialogue Sessions

Organize regular consultations and dialogue sessions between university representatives and industry stakeholders to discuss current issues, explore new collaboration opportunities, and address common challenges.

Joint Research Programs

Arrange joint research projects between university researchers and industry representatives to solve problems or create innovations related to the industry. These projects may involve basic research, product development, or solutions to industry challenges.

List of  Champion Industry Partnership
(Updated until 28 May 2024)